When we are young, we ask ourselves "what do we want to be when we grow up?". I had so many answers for that question;
age 8 an oceanographer and marine biologist
age12 a chef, as well as a food photographer
age 14-17 a comedian
age 19 a race car driver
age 21 a landscape architect
age 23 a fashionista
age 26 Ann Wilson.
Yes folks, after much deliberation I have decided I want, NEED, to be young Ann Wilson- lead singer of Heart.
I need 3 things to complete my dream:
1. a rockin' bad ass amazing singing voice- check!
2. big threatening glorious hair- workin' on it!
3. cool. Dammit!
That's the one thing in my way! In fact it's the very same reason I'm not an awesome chef-marine biologist-comedic-architect: no cool. I just am NOT cool. I don't have the mystique. Something to do with the fact that I wasn't neglected or abused enough as a child(damn you mom and dad for giving me a good childhood!!!!), and the fact that I will always choose goldfish crackers over cocaine. Dangit.
Well, if I can't be Ann Wilson, I guess I will be happy being me: the lamp shade making, little dog owning, cheese craker eating, me.