Yesterday I decided since I was in an "off" mood, the weather was bi-polar and my steam iron broke, I would pull myself together, wear my favorite panties, and just go get it! (the day I mean).
Well, here's how that turned out. I had to redo a lamp shade twice(I make lamp shades for a living if you don't know that), I received multiple texts from someone who I had canceled out of my life for good reason over a year ago, and I a ran into a girl on the street who the last time I saw her, she basically insulted me for half an hour over a coffee I bought her!
When you are feeling fragile and sensitive, the littlest things can seem huge. Yesterday when I got those "little texts", they sent me into this wretched freak-out attack, making me question if I was still "back there", or if this person would turn into a crazy stalker/killer and come and get me while I would be redoing this shade for the 4th time late that night. Today, having erased all those stupid texts, I realize that no one can come into your life if you don't want them to. They can text or call, maybe show up at your door. But you can, erase, not answer and slam that door in their face and go back to watching 30 Rock on your sofa, "eating my night cheese!", thank YOU, Liz Lemon. Sure they can pop back up when you least expect or want them to, but they don't get to take up any more space in your head then you allow.
That girl on the street? Well, she seems to have forgotten that last time I saw her she had left her manners, charm and common courtesy at home with her wallet, but it was classy and kind of me to buy her that cup of coffee, and it was absolutely RIGHT of me to not spend any more energy on someone like that. I have plenty of friends who deserve a good cup or charitable coffee that would spend that half hour sipping it and telling me jokes, witticisms, or just chatting pleasantly with me and appreciating the time spent together. I will continue spending $3.75(Seattlites will pay up to $8.50 for a cup of Joe, it's a sickness), and 30 min. with them. Done.
The lamp shade? Well, since my iron is still broke, and the new one hasn't arrived from the magical Amazon truck yet, I have a slight reprieve. I think I will use this time to hunt online for more pink panties, wearing them on days I don't feel "off" seems like a plan.