Been reading a lot of books lately. Whenever I can. Whatever I can lay my hands on. For now- Debra Oliver's "What French Women Know" is envoi de romance that I need right now. "Water for Elephants" is a re-read that I dissolve in, and "Less than Crazy" is making me feel like maybe I am more than.
That said, when I see someone at a cafe, bookstore reading nook, or even a bus stop whiling away the time engrossed on their iPad, i can't help but shake my head and roll my eyes.
Here are the arguments I have heard for the iPad:
1. it has an app for everything! Star maps, directions, schedules, movie times, Gravlux where you use your finger on the screen to move "grains of sand" into interesting shapes-ok, that one was actually pretty fun for 45 seconds.
2. it is convenient. I don't know how much more convenient than apps and email and photos blah, blah, blah can get on your cell phone. But, ok, why not.
Here are the arguments for books:
1. they smell good, new or used.
2. you can inscribe the inside cover and give it to a loved one.
3. even sitting on your shelf it looks good.
4. it will never need an upgrade.
5. if you drop it in the tub it can be fixed with a hair dryer instead of having to drop another $500.
Believe me, I could go on. Even though books don't have apps for finding out the temperature in Bangladesh, they sure do work well on a beach right here.