Friday, June 11, 2010


A few months back, Esquire published an amazing article called "the Women I Know". A list of all the women in the Author's life. Well, damn straight. It is good to reflect on the opposite sex's role in your life. Here's my list of MEN.

Rick. My dad and a caveman. Andy. true genius. Matt. computer-lover, slightly depraved. Jerry. lamp builder, dreamer. Mark. always a great source for stories or true heartfelt conversations over brunch. Onur. the love of my life, best friend, savior, and lots else. Matt. brother and knows the difference between Tatooine and Hoth, and taught me what it was. Damir. Troubled and sweet, a real jokester. Scott. Stronger than he knows, always aware of when a girl needs a bit of bubbly. Tyson. nobody loves Tom Hanks like we do. Tim. Tres bien my own Bill Murray. Clem. About 104 years old, and still comes to every party thrown at the shop. Alex. The only artist that I know that will one day make millions. Don. Grandfather, the one who taught me how to splice electrical cords. Ryan. friend, over beers or coffee, the only hedonist I know. Brian. band sensation and bar tending colleague. Jay. funnier, sweeter, & smarter than I thought. Furkan. so in his head that sometimes he misses out on some pretty great stuff. Ted. pretty impressive entrepreneur, and I hear, tennis player. Deniz. a man to have on your team. Cody. Brief but a kick. Doug. gives the best advice. Jason. takes care of Doug as much as he knows how. Ryan. Amazing photographer, possibly better with food. Rob. loves Emily. David. Makes pretty things, and takes ladies along for the ride on silly fun nights. Eric. my favorite neighbor of all time. Ian. can't get it together. Kyler. summer of 2009, sketching in our notebooks and laying in the sun. Frank. model and super sweet man. Casey. Ended up exactly where he should. George. Favorite barista, your move to Hawaii is a bummer for us all. Nick. Had a baby. Tom. a hoot and my Southern Belle. Jim. the only Uncle I give a damn about. Dan. a lazy sleaze-ball. Ron. owner of the Big House and friend to all dogs. Spencer. Sarcastic and too cool for me, but it makes me want to be his friend even worse. Phillip. a flirt. Tyson. my kindergarten crush. Honest Jon. my tattoo artist. Matt. the husband of my Sister.

And yet, I'm single. Go figure.

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