Here is a list, a list of some things I know to be good, real, worthy, and interesting. I post this list because I feel lately-maybe it's the weather, maybe it's the city-whatever it is, is distracting us, ME, from these things. The things that matter.
1. work ethic. Not trying to be Capitalist here, just that when you are sad, down, out or distant-working, and working HARD will get you to pass through that time with dignity.
2. friends. The true ones. The ones that you have sat on curbs for, waiting to make sure they get home ok. The ones you can rant and rave to and the next day they forget about it. The ones that don't offer advice beyond: so, another beer? The ones that make you laugh so hard you think about it later and giggle.
3. the outdoors. Being in the trees, on the beach, in the desert- it is a reset. It calms you. It can cure you if you let it. Just go and be quiet in it. Don't hike, ski, paddle, drive. Don't bring anyone. Especially your cell phone.
4. green food. Asparagus, spicy green beans, barley green pot-stickers from Shanghai Gardens, guacamole, split pea soup. Trust me.
5. Manners. Basic table manners, social graces including introducing one person to another, poise in public settings. They are there not for others, but for YOU. They make you look good, sure, but they also give you POWER.
Here is one more list: a list of what happens when you don't value these things.
1. Work ethic. No work ethic makes you LAZY. You aren't really hurting anything, but you aren't doing anything either. You show up, but you aren't present. If you want to surprise yourself, it won't happen watching hulu.
2. Friends. Don't ditch them for new boyfriends or girlfriends. Don't make them last on your list. It isn't the down times you want to be able to call them up for-it's the victory drinks you want them to share with you. Ditch them now-don't expect them to cheers with you over a pitcher later.
3. Outdoors. Noise, movement, time lines, deadlines, twitter, facebook, email- trust me. They will be there when you come back from your afternoon in the Oregon rainforest. And people will still be posting that they are "going to the grocery store for a frozen chicken pot pie" or that their cat just swallowed a marble.
4. Green food. Yellow foods: pasta, cheese, chips, the list goes on if you get my drift. What I'm saying here is, once in a while, your mom was right, green foods do what green foods are supposed to- make you smarter, more vibrant, they make your skin nicer, sure they may make your pee smell weird, but why are you smelling your pee? Flush, wash hands and move on. P.S. They do great things for endurance and the libido. Just a thought.
5. Manners. ALL YOU SEATTLITES who think you can go to the ballet in your NorthFace jackets and Crocs, YOU MAKE ME SICK! Think how long those ballerinas spent forming their bodies into perfect instruments for your viewing pleasure and you can't even put on a real pair of shoes?!? Also, the next time someone doesn't hold a door for the person right behind them-I hope you slip on the wet mat outside and drop all your grocery bags- unveiling to the world that you buy 24oz cans of BudLight, are stocking up on athlete's foot lotion, and that you read Dianne Steele novels.
The next time I see a North Face jacket at Benaroya Hall...watch out....
ReplyDeleteI love yellow foods! Maybe that's my problem.
ReplyDeleteGreat post.